Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day 3: Checking out T.W.O.

These two riders rolled in while we were sitting outside. They were taking a short break between runs, T.W.O seems to be a popular biker rest stop. They were fully geared up from head to toe and they meant business on the road. For some reason the owner loves frogs, they were all over the place. Luckily thery were all fake!
Posted office hours. They tend to beat to a diffrent drum around here...
This sweet little Harley came ripping it up down the road. She sounded beautiful! The sound of the pipes echoed through the mountain roads, you can hear it coming a mile away.
Another little creek in the area.
We found this path along the road... it ended up being someones driveway! No shot guns were fired, although I was ready to run for cover.

At least I got closer to the waterfall...
and the lake behind the waterfall. It's almost like every turn we took has a beautiful view!
Rick found something curious back at the creek...
These signs are common around these areas, however this one was in the creek?
Apparently someone decided to clean thier bike in the creek... That black piece in the middle of the picture is a gas tank, the brush had covered the rest of the bike. You gotta be careful in this neck of the woods! I was actually happy in the picture althougn I look upset. Rick just took forever to take the

Buttram? Must be a local thing...
60 was the road T.W.O is on. 180 is Wolf Pen Gap...
" Happy 4th of July.... Cloggin, and the Big Duck Race" These people know how to celebrate! A sign at the entrance to Wolf Pen Gap...
That's all for tonight folks. Tomorrow we head back to Jacksonville...

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